Love or Attachment? Retreat

With Venerable Robina Courtin

July 27 - 28, 2024
Online via zoom
Online only via Zoom According to Buddha attachment is the main source of our suffering in day-to-day life. A big surprise! We usually confuse it with love, which is necessarily altruistic - the source of our own happiness and capacity to help others. Attachment is necessarily I-based; dissatisfaction, neediness, expectation, manipulating…

Yoga with Nicole Cronin with Sound Meditation by Anderson and Ellian Pugash

August 16 - 18, 2024
Land of Medicine Buddha
Join Nicole Cronin, San Francisco based yoga teacher and owner of a light-filled community yoga studio, The Pad Studios, as we immerse ourselves in a remarkable opportunity to receive the nourishing benefits of yoga, meditation, sound, beautiful meals, and community at a Santa Cruz, California, based retreat center, The Land of the…

Medicine Buddha Festival Retreat

With Geshe Thubten Sherab

August 23 - 25, 2024
In-Person Only
About the Retreat Discover the profound intersection of ancient wisdom and modern healing practices at our transformative Medicine Buddha Festival weekend retreat!  Join us for a journey into the realms of body, mind, and spirit as we explore the power of healing guided by revered experts and practitioners from multiple…

Annual Kunrig Retreat

With Venerable Steve Carlier

September 26 - 29, 2024
Online Only via Zoom
Online only via Zoom September 26 - 29 About Kunrig:   Kunrig (Skt. Sarvavid), from the Yoga Tantra class, is known as “the king of deities for purifying the lower realms.” There is a story that when a deva died and was born in one of the hell realms, King…

Eight Pillars of Joy

With Don Handrick

October 11 - 13, 2024
In-Person and online via zoom
About the Retreat In The Book of Joy, His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu discuss  "true joy"; which is a deeper and more dependable way of being that can be sustained and aid us through the many challenges of our lives. In the book, they outline eight…

Annual Kalachakra Six Session Guru Yoga Retreat for World Peace

With Venerable Steve Carlier

November 1 - 7, 2024
Online Only via Zoom
Online only via Zoom November 1 - 7 About Kalachakra: Kyabje Jhado Rinpoche explained the meaning of "Kalachakra" during a teaching at Maitripa College in Portland. "Kala" means time. At no time does the primordial clear light mind ever change; it has always been pure, is pure, and will always…

Living Stillness Retreat

November 14 - 17, 2024
Land of Medicine Buddha
Teaching: Adam Moskowitz | Sarah Carr Bodywork: Alex Mart You are invited to gather in a beautiful, communal setting to rediscover the vibrancy of the present moment. On retreat, we take refuge in nature, quiet, togetherness, and an ancient rhythm; we harmonize with the depth of loving-awareness within, opening up to a…

Mahamudra Retreat

With Yangsi Rinpoche

November 17 - 24, 2024
Online and In-Person at LMB
We invite you to join us for a transformative retreat led by the esteemed Yangsi Rinpoche.  This retreat focuses on using Mahamudra meditation as an antidote to everyday challenges such as depression, anxiety, fear, anger, loneliness, and grief. The retreat will provide practical tools and profound insights into how Mahamudra…