• Zoom – $350.00
  • Commuter – $450.00
  • Single Room – $1,680.00
  • Shared Double Room – $1,380.00
  • Shared Dorm – $1,260.00
  • Tent Platform – $650.00
  • Monastic - Shared Dorm Room – $0.00
  • Monastic - Commuter – $0.00
  • Monastic - Zoom – $0.00

Date & Time Details: November 17 - 24

Location: Online and In-Person at LMB

Address: 5800 Prescott Road, Soquel, CA, USA

Contact: Rommy Johnson
[email protected]

Email us about program

Mahamudra Retreat

With Yangsi Rinpoche

November 17 - 24, 2024

We invite you to join us for a transformative retreat led by the esteemed Yangsi Rinpoche.  This retreat focuses on using Mahamudra meditation as an antidote to everyday challenges such as depression, anxiety, fear, anger, loneliness, and grief. The retreat will provide practical tools and profound insights into how Mahamudra can help you navigate these common emotional struggles and uncover a deeper sense of peace and resilience. 

Rinpoche will help you to recognize the conventional nature of mind which deals with symptoms of depression, anxiety, fear, anger, loneliness, and grief, and the ultimate nature of mind which deals with the root of these issues.

The concept for this approach arose spontaneously from Yangsi Rinpoche during a meeting with the SPC.  We could not be more excited to have Yangsi Rinpoche leading this retreat, as Rinpoche is known for his ability to translate the pith teachings into everyday practice.

Retreat Structure

Each day of the retreat is dedicated to exploring one of the key emotional challenges we face in day to day life. Rinpoche will guide you through a series of meditations, teachings, and discussions to help you understand and apply the principles of Mahamudra to lessen your mental suffering.

Day 1: Introduction to Mahamudra

Theme: Understanding the Nature of Mind and Reality

The first day will provide an introduction to Mahamudra, setting the foundation for the rest of the retreat. Yangsi Rinpoche will explain the origins and key principles of Mahamudra, including Shamatha (calm abiding) and Vipashyana (insight meditation). This day will help us develop a foundational understanding of how Mahamudra can be applied to transform our everyday challenges.

Day 2: Depression

Theme: Transforming Depression through Awareness

Depression can make us feel stuck and disconnected from life. On this day, we will focus on recognizing depressive thoughts and emotions as transient phenomena. 

Day 3: Anxiety

Theme: Grounding in the Present Moment

Anxiety often stems from worries about the future. Today, we will learn techniques to stay present and grounded through mindfulness practices. 

Day 4: Fear

Theme: Facing Fear with Openness and Curiosity

Fear can be paralyzing and limit our experiences. On this day, we will practice facing our fears with openness and curiosity. 

Day 5: Anger

Theme: Transforming Anger into Patience and Compassion

Anger often arises from unmet expectations and perceived injustices. Today, we will focus on observing anger as a passing emotion without reacting impulsively. 

Day 6: Loneliness

Theme: Cultivating Connection and Compassion

Loneliness can make us feel isolated and disconnected. On this day, we will explore practices that help us recognize the interconnectedness of all beings. 

Day 7: Grief

Theme: Embracing Grief with Grace and Resilience

Grief is a natural response to loss, and today we will honor our grief and learn to move through it with grace.

** Please note this structure is subject to change at the discretion of Yangsi Rinpoche **

Further Reading:

  • His Holiness the Dalai LamaThe Gelug/Kagyu Tradition of Mahamudra
  • B. Alan WallaceThe Attention Revolution
  • 9th Karmapa Wangchug DorjeThe Mahamudra Eliminating the Darkness of Ignorance
  • Thrangu RinpocheCrystal Clear – Practical Advice for Mahamudra Meditators
  • Traleg KyabgonMind at Ease: Self-liberation Through Mahamudra Meditation

Retreat Information

This retreat will be In-Person and online via Zoom. Zoom links will be delivered a couple of days before the retreat starts.


Sunday, November 17

  • 4:00pm – 5:45pm Check in (overnight guests only)
  • 5:45pm – 6:00pm Welcome talk in Dining room (overnight guests only)
  • 6:00pm – 7:00pm Dinner
  • 7:00pm – 8:30pm Introductory Session 

November 18 – 23

  • 8:00am – 9:00am Breakfast
  • 9:00am – 10:30am: Session 1
  • 11:00am – 12:30pm: Session 2
  • 12:30pm – 2:00pm Lunch
  • 2:30pm – 4:00pm: Session 3
  • 4:30pm – 6:00pm: Q & A Session
  • 6:00pm – 7:00pm Dinner
  • 7:00pm – 8:00pm Evening Meditations Led by Venerable Steve

Sunday, November 24

  • 8:00am – 9:00am Breakfast
  • 9:00am – 10:30am: Session 1
  • 11:30am – 12:30pm: Final Q & A
  • 12:30pm – 1:30pm Lunch (End of Retreat)

Lodging and Meals

​​During the retreat, we provide various lodging options to accommodate different preferences. We have a variety of lodging available to make your stay comfortable. All of our lodging options include 3 delicious vegetarian meals a day. All meals are gluten-free and vegan adaptable. We will do our best to cater for additional requirements outside of this, please contact Rommy at [email protected] to communicate your specific requirements, as much notice as possible is greatly appreciated.

Room Options

Single: Ideal for those who need privacy, each room has an ensuite bathroom. Please note Single rooms are limited and book out quickly.

Double: Ideal for those who like to have a bit more privacy, but have the convenience of being close to everything at the main campus. Each double room has an ensuite bathroom.

Shared: If you prefer a more communal setting, we have shared dormitories available. These dormitories provide a cost-effective option for participants who enjoy the camaraderie and interaction with fellow retreat attendees. Each dorm has an ensuite bathroom.


Additional Nights

You are most welcome to add extra nights to your stay 2 days after the retreat end. A 10% discount is offered on our standard room rate. Please note that only a continental breakfast is included in that price. You will need to arrange your own lunch and dinner after the retreat starts.

We are unable to accommodate early arrivals for this retreat due to a group rental booking that leaves the day this retreat starts. 


Please note lunch and dinner included in your program costs. Breakfast is not included. If you would like to join the group for Breakfast additional charge of $96 for the whole retreat will need to be paid. You will need to confirm your attendance for breakfasts at least one week prior to the retreat starting.

How to Get Here


Access to LMB is via a small, winding road (Prescott Road) which we share with numerous neighbors. As you are driving to our property please turn on your headlights, go slowly, and be prepared to pull over to the side when you meet oncoming traffic.


Closest Airports:


The nearest airports to LMB are San Francisco (~1.5 hours away) and San Jose (~1 hour away). To reach LMB from either of these airports you can use a rideshare app (Uber, Lyft etc), or a shuttle service (Early Bird Airport Shuttle Service). Expect to pay $100 – $150 from San Francisco, or $60 – 80 from San Jose using a rideshare app. LMB is unable to offer assistance in helping you get to or from the center. Please make your own arrangements.


Cancellation Policy

Overnight Guests:

If you cancel more than 2 weeks in advance a full refund will be offered. If you cancel up to two weeks prior to the retreat starting a 50% refund will be offered. If you cancel up to 1 week prior to the retreat starting no refund will be offered.


If you cancel 1 week prior to the retreat starting a 50% refund will be offered.

Zoom Participants

A full refund will be offered up to the day the retreat starts.

No refunds will be offered once the retreat has started for any participant. A $50 administrative charge will be applied to all refunds required to be processed. 


Yangsi Rinpoche
Yangsi Rinpoche was recognized as the reincarnation of Geshe Ngawang Gendun, a renowned scholar and practitioner from Western Tibet, at the age of six. Rinpoche trained in the traditional monastic system for over 25 years, and practiced as a monk until the age of 35. In 1995 he graduated with the…
Learn more about Yangsi Rinpoche