Weekly Medicine Buddha Puja

With Venerable Samten

July 28, 2024
In-person at the Gompa and via Facebook live
About the Medicine Buddha Puja Medicine Buddha is the manifestation of the healing energy of all enlightened beings. Prayers to Medicine Buddha are especially powerful because of the extensive prayers they took to benefit sentient beings. They strongly prayed for the temporal and ultimate happiness of all sentient beings; they…

Vajrayogini Self Initiation

With Venerable Angie Muir

July 29, 2024
Online via Zoom
Monday, 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm In-Person and Online via Zoom Venerable Angie will lead the Vajrayogini Self Initiation Online via Zoom. Please feel free to make offerings on your personal alter at home. This practice is restricted to those who have completed an approximation retreat with fire puja. We…

Weekly Cittamani Tara Puja

With Venerable Samten

July 31, 2024
In-person at the Gompa
Ven. Samten will performing the Cittamani Tara Puja (in Tibetan). This practice is done In-Person only. The puja, preceded by some preliminary prayers, will be done in the following sequence: Praise to Shakyamuni Buddha Ganden Lhagyama (Hundred Deities of Tushita), aka Lama Tsongkhapa Guru Yoga Four Mandala Offerings to Cittamani Tara…

Weekly Medicine Buddha Puja

With Venerable Samten

August 4, 2024
In-person at the Gompa and via Facebook live
About the Medicine Buddha Puja Medicine Buddha is the manifestation of the healing energy of all enlightened beings. Prayers to Medicine Buddha are especially powerful because of the extensive prayers they took to benefit sentient beings. They strongly prayed for the temporal and ultimate happiness of all sentient beings; they…

Weekly Cittamani Tara Puja

With Venerable Samten

August 7, 2024
In-person at the Gompa
Ven. Samten will performing the Cittamani Tara Puja (in Tibetan). This practice is done In-Person only. The puja, preceded by some preliminary prayers, will be done in the following sequence: Praise to Shakyamuni Buddha Ganden Lhagyama (Hundred Deities of Tushita), aka Lama Tsongkhapa Guru Yoga Four Mandala Offerings to Cittamani Tara…

Weekly Medicine Buddha Puja

With Venerable Samten

August 11, 2024
In-person at the Gompa and via Facebook live
About the Medicine Buddha Puja Medicine Buddha is the manifestation of the healing energy of all enlightened beings. Prayers to Medicine Buddha are especially powerful because of the extensive prayers they took to benefit sentient beings. They strongly prayed for the temporal and ultimate happiness of all sentient beings; they…

Lama Chopa Puja

With Venerable Yangchen

August 14, 2024
In-person and Online via Zoom
Lama Chopa Puja Lama Chopa, also called Guru Puja, is a beautiful, profound practice where we make offerings to and request blessings and inspiration from the Three Jewels and the Spiritual Teacher (whether or not the teacher is physically present). Lama Chopa with Tsog Offering is an excellent practice for…

Weekly Cittamani Tara Puja

With Venerable Samten

August 14, 2024
In-person at the Gompa
Ven. Samten will performing the Cittamani Tara Puja (in Tibetan). This practice is done In-Person only. The puja, preceded by some preliminary prayers, will be done in the following sequence: Praise to Shakyamuni Buddha Ganden Lhagyama (Hundred Deities of Tushita), aka Lama Tsongkhapa Guru Yoga Four Mandala Offerings to Cittamani Tara…

Weekly Medicine Buddha Puja

With Venerable Samten

August 18, 2024
In-person at the Gompa and via Facebook live
About the Medicine Buddha Puja Medicine Buddha is the manifestation of the healing energy of all enlightened beings. Prayers to Medicine Buddha are especially powerful because of the extensive prayers they took to benefit sentient beings. They strongly prayed for the temporal and ultimate happiness of all sentient beings; they…

Weekly Cittamani Tara Puja

With Venerable Samten

August 21, 2024
In-person at the Gompa
Ven. Samten will performing the Cittamani Tara Puja (in Tibetan). This practice is done In-Person only. The puja, preceded by some preliminary prayers, will be done in the following sequence: Praise to Shakyamuni Buddha Ganden Lhagyama (Hundred Deities of Tushita), aka Lama Tsongkhapa Guru Yoga Four Mandala Offerings to Cittamani Tara…

Weekly Medicine Buddha Puja

With Venerable Samten

August 25, 2024
In-person at the Gompa and via Facebook live
About the Medicine Buddha Puja Medicine Buddha is the manifestation of the healing energy of all enlightened beings. Prayers to Medicine Buddha are especially powerful because of the extensive prayers they took to benefit sentient beings. They strongly prayed for the temporal and ultimate happiness of all sentient beings; they…

Weekly Cittamani Tara Puja

With Venerable Samten

August 28, 2024
In-person at the Gompa
Ven. Samten will performing the Cittamani Tara Puja (in Tibetan). This practice is done In-Person only. The puja, preceded by some preliminary prayers, will be done in the following sequence: Praise to Shakyamuni Buddha Ganden Lhagyama (Hundred Deities of Tushita), aka Lama Tsongkhapa Guru Yoga Four Mandala Offerings to Cittamani Tara…

Weekly Medicine Buddha Puja

With Venerable Samten

September 1, 2024
In-person at the Gompa and via Facebook live
About the Medicine Buddha Puja Medicine Buddha is the manifestation of the healing energy of all enlightened beings. Prayers to Medicine Buddha are especially powerful because of the extensive prayers they took to benefit sentient beings. They strongly prayed for the temporal and ultimate happiness of all sentient beings; they…

Weekly Cittamani Tara Puja

With Venerable Samten

September 4, 2024
In-person at the Gompa
Ven. Samten will performing the Cittamani Tara Puja (in Tibetan). This practice is done In-Person only. The puja, preceded by some preliminary prayers, will be done in the following sequence: Praise to Shakyamuni Buddha Ganden Lhagyama (Hundred Deities of Tushita), aka Lama Tsongkhapa Guru Yoga Four Mandala Offerings to Cittamani Tara…


Dates Practice/Puja Teacher Location Details Register
July 28, 2024 Weekly Medicine Buddha Puja With Venerable Samten In-person at the Gompa and via Facebook live
July 29, 2024 Vajrayogini Self Initiation With Venerable Angie Muir Online via Zoom
July 31, 2024 Weekly Cittamani Tara Puja With Venerable Samten In-person at the Gompa
August 4, 2024 Weekly Medicine Buddha Puja With Venerable Samten In-person at the Gompa and via Facebook live
August 7, 2024 Weekly Cittamani Tara Puja With Venerable Samten In-person at the Gompa
August 11, 2024 Weekly Medicine Buddha Puja With Venerable Samten In-person at the Gompa and via Facebook live
August 14, 2024 Lama Chopa Puja With Venerable Yangchen In-person and Online via Zoom
August 14, 2024 Weekly Cittamani Tara Puja With Venerable Samten In-person at the Gompa
August 18, 2024 Weekly Medicine Buddha Puja With Venerable Samten In-person at the Gompa and via Facebook live
August 21, 2024 Weekly Cittamani Tara Puja With Venerable Samten In-person at the Gompa
August 25, 2024 Weekly Medicine Buddha Puja With Venerable Samten In-person at the Gompa and via Facebook live
August 28, 2024 Weekly Cittamani Tara Puja With Venerable Samten In-person at the Gompa
September 1, 2024 Weekly Medicine Buddha Puja With Venerable Samten In-person at the Gompa and via Facebook live
September 4, 2024 Weekly Cittamani Tara Puja With Venerable Samten In-person at the Gompa