Medicine Buddha Puja Prayer Request

The Medicine Buddha Puja is performed every day at Land of Medicine Buddha, usually by Venerable Samten. On Sundays, this is open to the public and you are welcome to join at 2 pm in-person at the Gompa or via Facebook live. The merit of the puja is dedicated to all beings and specifically to those that have requested prayers. General prayer request gets dedication for a month. Prayer request for the deceased gets dedication up to the 49th day.

See Practices and Pujas for more information on our weekly pujas.

You can request a prayer for a friend, family member, pet, or anyone who could benefit from them. You can also request prayers for those who have recently passed away.

To request a prayer, please use one of these forms below:

Making an Offering

Making an offering toward the puja creates a connection between the person being prayed for and the prayers being made. Customarily, when people request prayers, what they are really doing is sponsoring the prayers. Without the offering, there is not necessarily any connection between the puja and the people who need the prayers.

If you would like to make an offering for your prayer request, please click below:

Offer a Lamp

Offer a lamp for a loved one. Sponsor a butter lamp for yourself or for a loved one for well being, happiness, and success. Dedicate a lamp for someone who has passed away. Prayers will dedicated for the person in our Medicine Buddha puja.

More Opportunities for Prayers

Additional Places to Request Prayers

You also might like to request prayers or pujas at one of the big monasteries with which LMB is affilitated:

Alternatives to Requesting Prayers From Others

Doing the puja yourself is also an option. The best is if the person who needs the help – the healing, the good fortune, etc. – does the puja. The next best is if someone who is connected to that person – friend, family member, spiritual teacher – does the puja. Here is the link to get a copy of the puja text.