The Wish-Fulfilling Temple is a beautiful piece of architecture up on the higher part of the land. It’s very brightly painted both inside and out. The upper walls are adorned with large murals painted by resident artist, Gelek Sherpa with the assistance of assistant artist, Ngawang Kunkyen.

Twelve panels on the lower walls

  • Twelve Deeds of Shakyamuni Buddha: There twelve panels depicting the life of the one called the Buddha, who lived and taught in what is now Nepal and India between 600 and 500 B.C.E. He started out as Prince Siddhartha Gautama, the crown prince of the Shakya Kingdom. In the years (and lifetimes) leading up to his enlightenment, he is referred to as the Bodhisattva. According to the Mahayana tradition, he actually attained enlightenment prior to showing up in our world. Since he is one of many buddhas, or enlightened beings, we refer to him as Shakyamuni Buddha.

Four panels on the upper walls

  • Thirty-Five Buddhas
  • Seven Medicine Buddhas
  • Twenty-One Taras
  • Merit Field of the Nyungne Lineage Gurus

On the ceiling

  • The Complete mandala of Medicine Buddha and his entourage Painted by Ngawang Kunkyen according to the dimensions and descriptions given in the Medicine Buddha tantra.

The Wish-Fulfilling Temple also provides a special and respectful location for the reliquary of those who have died as well as an extraordinary opportunity for dedicating powerful prayers for them. Families and relatives can visit the Wish-Fulfilling Temple and also participate in practices that will benefit them and the departed.

Sponsor an exquisite Crystal Stupa for a loved one for $2,500. There are only 108 available, so reserve one today!

By car: Drive through the Tara School’s parking lot and go up the steep hill. When you get up the hill to the Ksitigarbha Pure Land area, turn left and stay on the paved road until you see the temple. Please drive slowly.

On foot: Walk up the hill, either from the Tara School parking lot or from lower campus near the pool. At the Ksitigarbha Pure Land, continue up the road—staying on the paved road until you get to the temple.

Mondays–Sundays: 10:00 am–5:00 pm

The Wish-Fulfilling Temple is a place for practice. You are welcome to engage in your personal practice at the following times:

10:00 am–12:00 noon, Meditation
2:00 pm–5:00 pm, Prostration practice