Date & Time Details: Sunday, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm (PT)

Location: Wisdom Center Santa Cruz

Address:  740 Front St Suite 240 Community Room, Santa Cruz, 

Contact: Isabella Wesner
[email protected]

Email us about program

Post Election Community Dharma Practice: Embracing fear, Extending Love

With Venerable Gyalten Chimé

November 10, 2024

In-Person and Online Via Zoom

Sunday, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Location at the Wisdom Center Santa Cruz

 740 Front St Suite 240 Community Room, Santa Cruz

All Participants Welcome

Shocked about the election results?  Join us for a two-hour Buddhist practice and discussion on how to deal with these changes within our minds.

Gyalten Chime, a local American Buddhist monastic will guide us through a series of meditations, leading into a practice, of resting the mind in its natural state and contemplations on equanimity and compassion.We’ll also go over how to stay connected with others and continue to carry out the work of liberating ourselves and others without creating more divisions, or falling into fear and hatred in relation to others.


Venerable Gyalten Chimé
Venerable Gyalten Chimé (Lisa DuPont, M.S.), is an American Buddhist monastic in the Tibetan, Gelug tradition with over 25 years of  experience in study and retreat in Tibetan Buddhism with numerous Tibetan Masters. Ven. Chimé also brings her many years of training & experience in psychology/neuroscience as a school psychologist and…
Learn more about Venerable Gyalten Chimé