  • Maximum $100.00 – Suggested Donation $15

Date & Time Details: Wednesday, November 27th at 7:00am - 8:00am (PST)

Location: Online Via Zoom

Contact: Rommy Johnson
[email protected]

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Namgyalma Sadhana Practice

With Venerable Steve Carlier

November 27, 2024

7:00 am – 8:00 am

*This practice session will be held online via zoom*

Namgyalma is one of the three main long-life deities and belongs to the tathagata family of practices. Lama Zopa Rinpoche explains that the Namgyalma practice not only dispels life obstacles; it also purifies negativities and downfalls and protects against birth in the lower realms. Further, Lama Zopa Rinpoche said the Namgyalma practice is a powerful purification and it is especially beneficial for the sick and those with cancer.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche explains these further benefits of the long Namgyalma mantra:

The Namgyalma mantra is extremely powerful. If you put this mantra on a mountain, then the whole mountain is blessed and any human beings, animals or insects who touch or climb the mountain have their negative karma purified just through that. They are not reborn in the lower realms.

This is the main mantra for purifying and liberating from the lower realms. Negative karma is purified by putting the mantra on the body of a person who has died or chanting it for a person who has died. What need is there to mention, therefore, how great the purification experienced by those who recite this mantra or keep it on their body?

For this Namgyalma practice we will be using the short sadhana from the Rinjung Gyatsa, which Kyabje Jhado Rinpoche compiled for us. We will also gradually take a look at the long sadhana composed by Panchen Lozang Chogkyi Gyaltsen, the one that Rinpoche originally taught us.

Who can attend this online practice session?

  • Have taken the Namgyalma initiation.


Please register your participation.

We welcome donations to help support Land of Medicine Buddha’s Dharma program. Please use the ‘donate’ section during registration.


Venerable Steve Carlier
Ven Steve was born in the UK and has been learning about Buddhism since 1977. He first met Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche in 1978. He was ordained as a Buddhist monk by Lama Zopa Rinpoche in 1979, and received full ordination from Serkong Tsenshab Rinpoche the following year.…
Learn more about Venerable Steve Carlier