  • Sliding Scale: Suggested Donation $0 - $20

Date & Time Details: Sundays, 9:00 - 10:00 am PDT

Location: In the Meadow

Address: 5800 Prescott Road, Soquel, CA, USA

Contact: Isabella Wesner
[email protected]

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Pranayama & Restorative Yoga

With Isabella Wesner

September 15 - October 20, 2024

Sundays, September 15 – October 20

9:00 – 10:00 am

-In the Meadow-

Come join us Sunday Mornings for Pranayama and Restorative Yoga. Start your day by awakening the body and mind through deep breathing, gentle stretching and restorative movement.

Learn and practice Pranayama’s (Breath Work) from the traditional Hatha Yoga Lineage. Including techniques such as Nadi Shodana, alternate nostril breathing. Kapalabati, otherwise known as the breath of fire, diaphragmatic breathing and the practice of breath retention. The benefits of breath work are endless as you are guided through the process of balancing the Nadi’s (energy channels).

Following this will be a mellow movement practice where you can loosen up and ground down and into your body. Hatha Yoga consists of stable, long held postures that enliven the senses and channel vital life force energy. All are welcome to relax, unwind and feel free. 

**Class will be outdoors. Please bring your own mats, blankets, bolsters and any other materials you may need. 


Isabella Wesner
Isabella is a yoga teacher, massage and art therapist. Traveling for 8 years cross-continental, her classes are based on a diverse foundation of integrative & holistic techniques.  In 2021, Isabella studied Zen Thai Shiatsu Massage Therapy, a combination of Osteopathy, TCM, Shiatsu and Thai Massage and created her small business,…
Learn more about Isabella Wesner