  • Maximum $200.00 – Entire 6 week series (suggested donation $120)
  • Maximum $50.00 – pay as you go (suggested donation $20)
  • Monastic / Friends of LMB member

Date & Time Details: November 6 - December 11 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Location: Online Only via Zoom

Contact: Isabella Wesner
[email protected]

Email us about program

Becoming Your Best Self

With Miffi Maxmillion

November 6 - December 11, 2024

Wednesdays, Online Only via Zoom

7:00 pm – 8:30 pm PDT

Using Buddhist psychology, discover how to bring forth your innate good qualities, and overcome the anxiety, distraction and depression of modern life.

Discover what holds us back in achieving our innate human potential, and how to develop self-esteem that is authentic, lasting, and stable. By using practical techniques to overcome destructive habits, you will become grounded in your own
positive qualities. Our relationships with others will naturally become harmonious and our projects and passions more constructive.

Drawing on Buddhist psychology, we examine how to bring forth our innate qualities, and how to overcome the distraction and anxiety that hamper our daily life and oppresses our relationships. As we learn to overcome destructive habits, we will
naturally be released from our stress and anxiety.

Week 1: Happiness & Goal Setting
What is happiness? Three types: hedonic, eudemonic, optimal flourishing. Goal
setting for long-term happiness, reflecting your own values.

Week 2: Withstanding Distraction
What distracts us from our goals? Eight worldly concerns and how to overcome
them. How to find your own authentic path.

Week 3: Develop Your Character
Based on an innate sense of ethical conduct and fairness, develop concentration
and focus, and see through the stress and spin with wisdom.

Week 4: Finding Wisdom in Depression & Worry
Buddhist psychology has radical yet highly effective strategies to overcome
depression, anxiety, angst – even boredom!

Week 5: Mastering the Habit Cycle
Understanding the habit cycle, using mindfulness to stop feeding the monster, and
instead develop positive habits for flourishing.

Week 6: Integrating a Daily Practice
Whether you are religious or not – we all want to make our life worthwhile,
meaningful and satisfying. With a few key ingredients we can achieve this, no matter
how limited our ‘spare time’.


Miffi Maxmillion
Miffi Maxmillion runs the spiritual program at Langri Tangpa Centre, Brisbane Australia. She is a registered FPMT teacher and leads beginner’s and balancing emotions classes. Miffi is also the centre ‘umze’ or chant leader at pujas. She left behind a thriving haute couture and costume business in Melbourne, when her mother Inta Mckimm (who ran…
Learn more about Miffi Maxmillion