  • Maximum $108.00 – Contribution towards offerings (flowers, tsog, lights)

Date & Time Details: Friday, April 12, 2024 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Location: Gompa and Zoom

Address: 5800 Prescott Road, Soquel, CA, USA

Contact: Rommy Johnson
[email protected]

Email us about program

Honoring Lama Zopa Rinpoche – 1 Year Anniversary of Showing the Aspect of Passing Away

With Venerable Yangchen and Venerable Angie Muir

April 12, 2024

In-Person and Online via Zoom

We invite you to join us on this occasion to commemorate the life of our beloved Guru and to engage in practices to enable the unmistaken reincarnation to swiftly return.


4:00 – 6:00 pm Light offering at Stupa – led by Ven Angie
6:00 – 7:00 pm Dinner (please book dinner in advance so we can cater accordingly – use the optional extras to select dinner).
7:00 – 8:30 pm Lama Chopa Puja – Led by Venerable Yangchen
8:30 – 9:00 pm Story time.

Please note only the 7:00 – 9:00 pm Puja and story time will be available on zoom. The light offerings at the stupa and dinner will be In-Person only.

“Making offerings on the death anniversary of a guru is an incredible practice in that it brings about the greatest purification of negative karma and collects the most extensive merit.” – Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche

There are six benefits of making offerings on the anniversary of your guru’s passing away. The Hundred Clear Realizations of the Glorious One from Narthang offers the great Kadampa geshe Sharawa’s citation from Guhyasamaja and Vairochana’s Net of Magical Illusion:

  1. You complete your guru’s holy wishes.
  2. You purify the negative karmas and obscurations collected in dependence on the guru.
  3. You achieve extensive merits.
  4. In future lives, you meet gurus.
  5. You become an object to be subdued by gurus.
  6. You quickly cease your samsara.

On March 10, 2021, Rinpoche gave commentary on these points during a teaching from Kopan Monastery, and you can read that commentary starting on : page 13 of this full transcript.  



Venerable Yangchen
Ven Yangchen has been a nun for 23 years, she is a lifelong learner, and has dedicated much time to study, practice, and retreat. She has a deep and enduring connection with Land of Medicine Buddha (LMB) and has also offered service at Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s house in CA., Shantideva…
Learn more about Venerable Yangchen
Venerable Angie Muir
Born in Scotland, in 1970, she obtained a Bachelors Degree in 1992.  Feeling disillusioned with her prospective career path and life ahead of her, she left Scotland and combined travelling with work in Asia for 3 years until in 1995 she felt a calling to go to India to explore…
Learn more about Venerable Angie Muir