Date & Time Details: Sunday 10:30am - 2:00 pm (PT)

Location: In-person at the Wish Fulfilling Temple

Address: 5800 Prescott Road, Soquel, CA, USA

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Jangwa Purification Puja & Prayers for Ancestors 清明祭祖息災法會

With Gyumed Khensur Rinpoche Lobsang Jampa

April 7, 2024

Sunday 10:30am – 2:00 pm

In-Person Only

** HWY 1 construction – please note that HWY 1 will be closed between Bay Ave and Park Ave. If coming from the North please take exit 438 to 41st and then get onto Soquel Ave. If you are coming from the South please take exit 435 to State Park Ave and then get onto Soquel Ave. ****

Land of Medicine Buddha will host the above prayer ceremony and puja on Sunday, April 7, 2024 at the Wish Fulfilling Temple site. It is a Chinese tradition to pray for ancestors in early April, the start of Spring. It is the best way to show love for the departed. Therefore, we invite you to join us at the ceremony to pray for your ancestors. We will pray for their swift transcendence to higher realms, to obtain ultimate liberation from samsara suffering, and attain eternal happiness. Not only should we pray for our ancestors, but we also should pray for all sentient beings before us. As this event is near the anniversary of Lama Zopa’s Rinpoche’s entering parinirvana, this ceremony will include a commemoration of Lama Zopa Rinpoche.

We are honored to have Khensur Rinpoche and Venerables from the Gyuto Foundation to preside over the ceremony, making it exceptionally auspicious! The organizers have received memorabilia from Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s estate, which will be available for purchase after the ceremony. The proceeds will go towards supporting Ksitigarbha Pure Land and Wish Fulfilling Temple.

Fresh flowers, fruits, and lunch will be provided. We welcome your donation. Dear Dharma brothers and sisters, we invite you and your families to join us for this auspicious event! Please help us by registering in advance to facilitate lunch and parking arrangements.


Event Time: 10:30 am – 2 pm on Sunday, April 7
Ceremony Time: 11 am – noon, please arrive by 10:30 to allow time for parking
and be seated by 10:50 to show our deepest respect for Khensur Rinpoche and
Location: Wish Fulfilling Temple at Land of Medicine Buddha, 5826 Prescott
Road, Soquel, CA

Memorabilia: after ceremony, 12 – 2 pm


Please use the link below to RSVP for this event:




~ 超薦,是與親眷最大最後的摯愛~

藥師淨土世界,將於 2024 年 4 月 7 日(星期日) 在彌勒殿舉辦
清明祭祖息災法會。 真正的大孝,最至的親情,就是禮請實修具
生者健康長壽,諸事順遂!時值梭巴 Zopa 仁波切往生週年, 同

法會將由勘蘇 Khensur 仁波切和 Gyuto Foundation 法師們共
同主持, 非常殊勝難得!

主辦單位收到梭巴 Zopa 仁波切送的紀念品,當天會以義賣的方

主辦單位當天也會提供鮮花, 水果,和午餐, 歡迎法親布施樂捐。
盼有緣的師兄師姐,攜家帶眷,共襄盛舉,法喜充滿。 請用官網

場地開放: 10:30 am
法會時間: 11 am – 12 pm, 請參與者提早入場,停車, 請
在 10:50 前入座誠至恭請仁波切
義賣時間: 法會之後, 12 – 2 pm




Gyumed Khensur Rinpoche Lobsang Jampa
As one of the last generation of Tibetan Buddhist scholars to begin their educational careers in Tibet prior to the Chinese invasion, Gyumed Khensur Rinpoche Lobsang Jampa has played an instrumental role in the reestablishment and preservation of Tibetan Buddhist traditions in exile, and in the spread of Tibetan Buddhism to the…
Learn more about Gyumed Khensur Rinpoche Lobsang Jampa