  • $1.00 to $300.00 – Donation
  • Free - Sangha / Staff / Friends of LMB

Date & Time Details: Saturday from 4:00 pm - 8:30pm (PST)

Location: In-person only

Address: 5800 Prescott Road, Soquel, CA, USA

Contact: Rommy Johnson
[email protected]

Email us about program

Chotrul Duchen (Day of Miracles) Celebration

With Venerable Yangchen

February 24, 2024

In-Person Only at the Stupa Project

In-Person and Online via Zoom For Lama Chopa

Chotrul Duchen (Day of Miracles) marks the end of the 15-day festival of Monlam, a period of Dharma practice and joyous celebration of the Buddha’s power. Karmic results (both positive and negative) are multiplied by one hundred million during this period, making it an especially auspicious time for practice.

During this time, the Buddha performed a series of miracles: he manifested trees, mountains, and lakes, and he emanated light and clairvoyance. Most significantly, these miraculous acts inspired faith and swift spiritual progress in his followers.



4:00 – 6:00 pm Light offerings and prayer flag hanging at the Stupa Project (In-Person Only)

6:00 – 7:00 pm Community Dinner (In-Person Only)

7:00 – 8:30 pm Lama Chopa led by Venerable Yangchen. (In-Person and via Zoom)

You are welcome to come to all or just part of the program. 


If you would like to sponsor prayer flags at the Stupa Project please use the link below:


If you would like to contribute to the offerings in the Gompa, please use the gift of Dharma section.

Let us embark on the journey of the wood dragon year with renewed strength, positivity, and shared blessings. We look forward to celebrating the final day of the Tibetan New Year with you!


Venerable Yangchen
Ven Yangchen has been a nun for 23 years, she is a lifelong learner, and has dedicated much time to study, practice, and retreat. She has a deep and enduring connection with Land of Medicine Buddha (LMB) and has also offered service at Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s house in CA., Shantideva…
Learn more about Venerable Yangchen